Planned Parenthood Promotes Underage Sex (which is called pedophilia), Harvests babies’ Hearts, Invites 14-Year-Old School Kids to Watch Porn & Have BDSM Sex With Whips & Clamps & Pain & Blood, And helps the Pimp to Use His 14-Year Old Prostitudes After Abortion

 I found this horrific image on Alba Hodsoll’s Instagram page, one of Ray Chandler’s friends on Instagram. Ray Chandler is one of Jeffry … Continue reading Planned Parenthood Promotes Underage Sex (which is called pedophilia), Harvests babies’ Hearts, Invites 14-Year-Old School Kids to Watch Porn & Have BDSM Sex With Whips & Clamps & Pain & Blood, And helps the Pimp to Use His 14-Year Old Prostitudes After Abortion