If you are horrified watching graphic pictures or disgusting scenes, be prepared for something worse. The real horror you must be terrified is this phrase: “SMART CITIES”. Bill Gates has bought 25,000 acres in Arizona to build a smart city. He has dedicated 80 million.
According to Business Insider: “Bill Gates has committed $80 million through one of his investment firms, Belmont Partners, to build a “smart city” in Arizona.
The city will integrate high-speed internet, smarter manufacturing, and systems that accommodate self-driving cars.
As more people move into cities, such technologies are poised to become more necessary.
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has purchased nearly 25,000 acres of land in southwestern Arizona for the construction of a brand-new “smart city,” AZ Central reports.
In conjunction with Belmont Partners, who holds the property, Gates’s investment firm Cascade Investment LLC has committed $80 million to build a community composed of offices, stores, schools, and homes. The community will be known as Belmont.
Roughly 3,800 of the 24,800 acres will be devoted to office, commercial, and retail space, according to Belmont Partners, while 470 acres will be set aside for public schools. The new community will feature 80,000 residences, giving it a population of about 182,000, comparable to that of Tempe, Arizona.
Belmont Partners expects its development to feature all the trappings of a futuristic city: high-speed internet embedded in the built environment, accommodations for self-driving cars (such as traffic lights that communicate with one another to minimize congestion), and smarter manufacturing technology.
Belmont will be located 45 miles west of Phoenix, near a highway that runs straight to Las Vegas. Shutterstock
“The experimentation that takes place in this new community has the potential to demonstrate the viability of new smart city concepts and serve as an example for cities nationwide and globally,” Brooks Rainwater, the director of the City Solutions and Applied Research Center at the National League of Cities, told Business Insider.”–By Business Insider. To read the full article click here.
It’s coming. The freedomless, cashless, gunless, pornographic, pedophile society is coming. 250 smart city projects in progress, 800,000 children who are missing in the U.S. each year (meaning 2222 children per day), lawmakers and judges who push legalizing pedophilia, and Nazis in America who prepare modern concentration camps and call them “smart cities.”
It’s coming.
Smart cities are not beauties that I denigrate. Nothing vital in them that I flatten. No universally defined vocabulary to describe their viciousness.
The final product of the new world order,
and preparation for the mark of the beast.
It is coming.
Just as Twitter and Facebook shut down your account in a fraction of a second, your business and bank account will be unauthorized – if they let you have any in the first place. Watched and traced, we will be forced to integrate the system and saturated by the synthesis.
Our health will become a public concern as it may affect the “public good”. Pinpointed mental problems for the crime of disagreeing with them, will need forced medicine and we will be watched to take them. The disobedient will be a threat to the public and kept in contempt with the excuse of the “public good” principle. So controlled to forget the sequence of what has happened to us, we will be catapulted to knowing our place. Intensity and clarity of our mind will be considered a threat.
Like prisoners, there will be a time to sleep and to wake up. They may consider we are not allowed to eat meat or bread or whatever they don’t consider healthy, and being disobedient, we will affect the “public health.”
The code words you will hear are:
public good
Person of Interest Poser Gallery
They will severely obligate our kids what to read. They may even forbid us to have kids, or they may force us to conceive for them just to confiscate the child at birth.
The possibilities are unlimited, but as a free people, it is hard to paint such situation. Had you anybody in prison? Ask them how the rules were for taking a shower or taking their meals, talking to other inmates, and reading books. Watch movies made in prisons. The information available to you will be limited because no historical prison was digitally smart.
Nothing in the world is free. Advertising smart cities and how everything will be free, and nobody will own nothing is a big lie. You will totally depend on government to eat and the biggest commodity in the world which is OUR freedom will be gone.
We will be all the same in pain as pain doesn’t discriminate.
There will no longer be energy providers as the government will provide and track our fair share of energy. They will track any digital technology in our house. They will know what is and what is not in our refrigerators and if we are storing a forbidden food, they will know it.
We can no longer use public transportation without our microchipped ID, and we will have a coupon to move in a measured distance as more distance will consume more fuel and we will harm the global warming. We will have a carbon-print tracing card. What is or is not our “right” will be redefined by the government regulations according to their “public good.”
Add to all that, Artificial Intelligence and robot superiority is the next to come. There will be no focus on what is authentic and appropriate for us, just total obedience. The intelligence will be bullied as unappreciative and uncooperative, and the lowlife will be promoted, toured, assigned recognition, and installed in higher positions. There will be no dream project for the future.
On top of that, we will have porn indoctrination hundred folds of what we have now. For now, they have been so successful to bring pornography in the streets. The bizarre sexual insanity we see in the streets, is the reflections of porn movies. We are practically encountering porn movies in offices, stores, national TV, cartoons, books, schools and wherever we might think. And now they are extra pushing it in schools without our knowledge. Parents don’t know what their children are studying in the schools. Incidents where shocked parents found pornographic sections or the promotion of pedophilia in their children’s books, now happen on a daily basis.
According to an article by By MassPrivateI on Activist Post, (The full article here)
“A recent article in the Erie-Times, revealed that ‘Secure Smart City’ (SSC) projects are really police cam-share programs in disguise.
The article boasts that the city of Erie will soon get fast, public Wi-Fi as well as a video surveillance system that can alert law enforcement of potential threats.
It starts to get interesting when Mayor Joe Schember admits that the SSC surveillance system “could relay real-time information to city officials.”
Spying on citizens in real-time is only the beginning of this privacy nightmare.
The Erie Downtown Partnership will give businesses $25,000 in grant money to purchase surveillance systems, However, “any business that receives such a grant must agree to voluntarily turn footage over to law enforcement if it can help solve a crime.”
“John Buchna, the Erie Downtown Partnership’s executive director, said the Perry Square system complements his organization’s recent efforts to increase security downtown through a grant program that helps businesses buy surveillance cameras.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Police cam-share programs start by law enforcement ‘asking’ businesses and homeowners to install surveillance cameras and turning over any footage to them. They market these programs as a way to improve the community by making cities and towns desirable to companies and visitors looking for safe streets. But often obscure the fact that their primary goal is surveilling citizens.
Who is behind police cam-share programs?
DHS and police cam-share programs.”
“More than 250 Smart City Projects Exist in 178 Cities Worldwide”
“The global market for smart city solutions and services is expected to reach nearly $98 billion in 2026
A new report from Navigant Research examines the current state of global smart city development, covering the related aspects of the smart energy, smart water, smart transportation, smart buildings, and smart governments sectors, segmented by region.
Working in partnership with technology and service suppliers, city leaders and central governments are realizing the benefits smart city projects can provide in terms of economic opportunity, sustainability, and quality of life. As the number of smart city projects increases globally, cities are pursuing higher levels and a greater variety of integration among technology-driven city services and solutions. Click to tweet: According to a new report from @NavigantRSRCH, there are more than 250 smart city projects from 178 cities around the world, and the majority focus on government and energy initiatives, followed by transportation, buildings, and water goals.
“Leading cities are looking at how they can build on their initial investment in open data and the data feeds being provided by Internet of Things applications,” says Christina Jung, research analyst with Navigant Research. “Cities are moving beyond the publication of government open data policies to the exploitation of a wide range of data sources and the establishment of city platforms for information sharing and use of analytics.”
According to the same websites, the projects related to these smart cities are anywhere around Unitary Systems, Heat Pumps, Furnaces, Boilers, VRF Systems, Chillers, Geothermal Heat Pumps for Energy Efficient Buildings, Electric, and Automated Vehicles, EV Charging, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Mobility as a Service, Smart Parking Systems, Last-Mile Logistics, Futuristic Innovations, Assessment of Strategy and Execution for 14 HEM Software Platform Providers, Advances in Battery Chemistries, Drive Greater Specialization across Energy Storage Applications, Optimizing Fossil Fuel Generation with Energy Storage, Smart Home Service Providers, Testing the Waters with Blockchain, Opening New Frontiers for Mobility Services by Blockchain, and whatever you can or even cannot imagine.
This is going all around the world
Bill Gates is a college dropped out, who has never been a scientist. His teacher David Rockefeller taught him to put his hands deeply in Education system, and is obsessed with depopulation. I wrote so many articles about this issue. Gates has been the greatest vaccine provider and the biggest shareholder in GMO; aka Genetically Modified Organism (seeds and crops), which both have been proven to be harmful. The same Gates has purchased land to build a smart city.
Although there are other smart city projects around the world, this smart city which would be called “Belmont”, totally belongs to him. Almost all individuals and groups involved in GMOs, Vaccines, Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails, Global Warming falsifications, and Education degradation reforms are also involved in smart city projects. Can there be anything good in this?
Be warned. Empower yourself with knowledge. Prevent as long as there is still time.
Author's note at the end of each post:
-"Your biggest problem is so small for such a big God"-Ella Cruz"
The Bible serves as the blueprint of faith, and the New Testament provides us with God's faith and the power to perform miracles through faith and the name of Jesus. Regardless of the severity of cancer, healing can be achieved through faith in God's word. When Jesus raised the dead, he did not discriminate based on the level of death. He simply called forth life. Let's explore how he did it.
The first time Jesus brought someone back from the dead was the daughter of Jairus, an official in Jerusalem. Although she had passed away, she was only recently deceased. The second time was the son of a widow in Nain who had been dead for just one day. Lastly, Jesus raised Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha in Bethany, who had been dead for three days. He raised them all. No matter how insurmountable your problem may seem, Jesus is the resurrection and the light. Ella Cruz
World's events are happening so fast. Global Governance 2015, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Antarctica, Mars, CERN, G5, The United Nations, The European Union, the Club of Rome, and the false prophets of the Vatican all together, we see that the satanic global government is imminent, and it shall come to pass. The mark of the beast will be obligatory. You are either a Christian or not. If you are, you believe this because it is predicted 2000 years ago in the Bible. But if you are not a Christian, you read the news and notice that the satanic world government is their agenda. Their Global Governance 2025 is terribly close. Their Green New Deal 12-year timeline matches the agenda 2030. We have a short time to prepare ourselves.
Born-again Christians are happy and calm. Why? Why do we joyfully dedicate ourselves to the nation, knowing that we will be chased and prosecuted? Because we are dedicated to the Kingdom. "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done."
1. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.
2. We hold the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God.
3. We believe that God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. Through His precious blood, all our sins are washed away and forgiven.
4. We believe that the price for our salvation, health, prosperity, happiness, and eternal life has been paid by the blood of Jesus. These gifts are freely available to us through the grace of God. By His stripes, we were healed 2000 years ago.
5. We acknowledge that by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. We are baptized by the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us and communicates with us through dreams, visions, speeches, videos, books, and other means. This communication begins immediately after our salvation.
6. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. As born-again believers, we receive the same DNA as Jesus Christ, with the same miraculous abilities through faith. Just as the apostles performed signs and wonders like Jesus, we too can accomplish these miracles through faith, and the Lord will work through us.
7. We condemn the Vatican's religion and many false prophets who have deceived Christians for centuries, hiding the true message of the Bible and the Good News from people to maintain their power. We welcome all denominations and strive for unity in the body of Christ.
8. We believe that a born-again Christian never truly dies. When a believer's life on earth ends, they are promoted to heaven, and death holds no power over them. In heaven, we experience immense joy, love, peace, and the glory of God. Those who have had near-death experiences or have seen Jesus in a vision or dream know the indescribable relief and joy of being in His presence.
To answer the question of why we are happy, we say that we could happily die at any moment. In fact, we long to go home and be with our Lord. However, we know that each one of us has a mission and purpose revealed to us by the Holy Spirit after our born-again experience. For the sake of fulfilling that mission, we remain joyful and relaxed in the spirit, knowing that we are called to save people by preaching the Gospel and bringing them to Jesus.
To be born again, you just need to say:
Lord Jesus,
I accept you as my personal savior,
Come to my heart,
Forgive my sins,
Wash me away,
Make me a new person,
And live inside of me.
In the Name of Jesus from Nazareth,
And that's it. You are saved! Jesus will reveal Himself to you, and your life will undergo a significant transformation. Your marriage, health (especially addiction), finances, and all areas of your life will experience an extraordinary change.
And never look back.
In Jesus Almighty name.