Navalny’s campaign title “Fight against corruption” hides his own corruption but that is how Soros chooses his titles. He does the exact opposite of what the title says. Pointing his fingers to somebody else for what he is hiding in the first place. How would you fight corruption with the corrupt money of the corrupt Soros?
He is legalizing drugs to turn drug addicts into voters. legalizing prostitution to turn prostitutes into voters. People are just votes and that little value remains only BEFORE the election and soon after, people will count nothing.
In 2018, Alexey Navalny appeared from nowhere (same as Obama, Tony Blair, and Emanuel Macron), campaigning to legalize marijuana targeting school kids and students. The younger generation and the real consumers of marijuana.
But what people don’t know before he popped up is that Navalny was a long-time supervisor of Soros’s Open Society Foundation programs for the legalization of methadone which is prohibited in Russia.
So it is naive to think he will stop at marijuana. Putting Russia on the methadone needle is the trajectory. It is stunning how the Russians might think a puppet fed with American dollars can heal the nation. Navalny is a funnel with a holed bottom. He will never be enough fed. He will never heal anything. He is just a tunnel for the main architect to pass.
Leaks of the Open Society Institute by DC-Leaks in 2015 had one interesting leak for the Russian people: “The Russian project” engineered by Soros.
The purpose of the Soros project was stated as “the destabilization of Russia leading to a change of power” and whose name appears on the paper? Alexei Navalny.
In two of the papers: “Open Society PHP work in Russia” and “Capacity building and strengthening the third sector”, Navanlyas is the one who is handling the projects. As we read: “The Russian Economy Will Benefit from the Eurasian Union and Greater Eurasia”, Soros is actively following the Eurasia plan of Brzezinski (the subject of my coming book: Minds Behind Wars) and is eager to fulfill it.
Soros’s healthcare project for Russia summarized in the “harm reduction” program provides the damaging methadone therapy to cure addiction. The irony is in this “humanistic” IHRD aka harm reduction, the “harm” addiction is cured by the essential medicine (AEMI) that according to Soros is methadone.
A population of young methadone addicts will best serve Soros’s plan. Through the document, we continue to read ,and again Navalny’s name pops out.
Now the drug promoter is running for President. It always start with small things: campaigning to legalize marijuana, and then it extends to methadone. The same game for a problem that didn’t exist at the first place but as the solution is their initial plan, the dependence needs to be created, funded, and then strengthened, by convincing the Russians that methadone is the exact solution they need. Navalny is a good drug dealer for Soros so he (Soros) not only earns from the sales but conquers a country of methadone addicts. He is already educating Russian kids on how to be the a future drug addict and die in agony. But this is not all.
Well, that was the Reuter’s opinion-based report which glorifies Soros backed Navalny. All mainstream media are anti-Putin and pro-Navalny and his corrupt “anti-corruption” campaign using NLP tactics to repeat”anti-corruption” and manipulate people’s minds.