Operation “Get Andrew Tate” Continues With No Charges

Operation “Get Andrew Tate” Continues With No Charges

Below, I have posted articles written by major news outlet to demonstrate how the military-media complex is after Tate Brothers and why. According to their assessment, the Tate brothers pose a significant threat as they reinforce a conventional male model to a generation inundated with the glorification of emasculation. After four months of detainment, the brothers are released from the Romanian state prison to house arrest. However, no charges have been brought against them. Allegations were expected a long time before the arrest happened. Tate always said, “I will be arrested under a false accusation.”

A person who is so disliked by the woke ideology is a vulnerable target for allegations that can be easily manipulated by women. We see the same thing with Donald Trump. If there was anything solid, they would have caught him before the 2016’s election and now after 7 years and ongoing prosecutions, nothing is there. Similarly, if there was any solid evidence against the Tates, they would have already been charged.

The global regime glorifies Jeffry Marshes and Dylan Mulvaneys not the Tate model.

However, this very much looks like a plot, a message, as Tate messed with their promised child: Greta Thunberg. He was arrested less than 24 hours after his back and forth with Thunberg on Twitter.

Even if there is no similarity of characters between Julian Assange and Andrew Tate, they have something in common. They both messed with the high profile figures of the twilight zone. Assange with Hillary and Tate with Greta–child of the “Earth Religion.”


One of the highlights of their messages is this by Forbes:

The impact of social media bans is powerful. Looking no further than the silencing of Donald Trump through his bans, it feels almost as if we haven’t heard from him in a long time.

The cabal sent a message to whoever has the audacity to stand against the Orwellian indoctrination.

Take a look at these newspapers. What do they tell us? That individuals like Tate pose significant threat to their existence.

How Andrew Tate sells men on toxic masculinity

Why millions of men admire internet misogynist Andrew Tate.

While espousing motivational messages about fitness and financial well-being, controversial influencer Andrew Tate is also a self-described misogynist who advocates male supremacy and celebrates violence against women. Even though he’s been banned from TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, he’s gained a massive online following from video clips posted by fans that garner millions of views and shares. On Twitter, he has more than 4 million followers.

The 36-year-old American-born, British-raised former kickboxing champion was arrested on December 29 in Bucharest, Romania, on charges of rape and human trafficking. Tate employed as many as 75 women in a webcam business; some have accused him of imprisoning them and forcing them to perform sex work. Many of his fans are expressing supportforhisplight, arguing that Tate is a positive force on men and that the Romanian government is trying to silence him for telling the truth. Tate has encouraged that view. As he was being led away in handcuffs, he could be heard telling cameras that “the Matrix has attacked me,” and he tweeted, “It seems every generation’s great revolutionaries suffer from unfair imprisonment.”

Tate is just one of many figures who make up the “manosphere,” an internet ecosystem that combines self-improvement advice with casual and sometimes violent misogyny. Robert Lawson, an associate professor in sociolinguistics at Birmingham City University in the UK and author of the forthcoming Language and Mediated Masculinities, studies how men communicate with each other online. He spoke to Today, Explained’s Noel King about why Tate appeals to some misogynistic men today.

The Downfall Of Andrew Tate And Its Implications

Andrew Tate, a social media sensation for some time, has been banned from YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. The bans were put in place because of a campaign that touted Tate as being damaging to his primarily young audience. Tate also closed his Hustlers University affiliate marketing program immediately after the bans took place.

The program, which helped Tate amass his large following, allowed members the opportunity to earn commission by signing up new people to the scheme, whilst being encouraged to post videos of Tate across social media to garner more referrals. The monthly fee for the course was $49, and Tate said the course had over 80,000 members.

Social media spokespeople released statements on Tate’s ban as his exclusion has been seen as controversial.

A spokesperson for Meta, which owns both Instagram and Facebook, said last week that the company removed Tate’s official accounts from the social media platforms for violating the company’s policies on dangerous organizations and individuals. The Meta spokesperson also confirmed that the ban is permanent. Tate had 4.7 million followers on Instagram before being dismissed.

A TikTok spokesperson also said that following an investigation by the platform, an account belonging to Tate has been permanently banned. TikTok is using software to identify and remove any further uploads of videos found to violate its Community Guidelines.

The platform will also flag specific content so it won’t be recommended to users’ “For You” feeds.

“Misogyny is a hateful ideology that is not tolerated on TikTok,” the TikTok spokesperson said. “Our investigation into this content is ongoing, as we continue to remove violative accounts and videos, and pursue measures to strengthen our enforcement, including our detection models, against this type of content.”

As mentioned YouTube also followed suit in banning channels associated with Andrew Tate, this included the channel TateSpeech, which had over 744,000 subscribers.

“We terminated channels associated with Andrew Tate for multiple violations of our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service, including our hate speech policy,” YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi said on Monday. “If a channel is terminated, the uploader is unable to use, own or create any other YouTube channels.”

Comparisons across social media have already begun as former UFC and MMA star Jake Shields commented on the ban on Twitter, “People are freaking out about young boys looking up to Andrew Tate but totally fine with young girls looking up to Cardi B and the Kardashians.”

The impact of social media bans is powerful. Looking no further than the silencing of Donald Trump through his bans, it feels almost as if we haven’t heard from him in a long time. Tate will seemingly suffer the same fate however with the growth of web3 (a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics)and democratizing elements such as social media, technology could be a big game changer for Tate’s future.

Generation Tate: How can we stop losing vulnerable men to the ‘manosphere’?

Try to ignore it all we like, but young men across the world are being seduced by the misogynist, conspiratorial teachings of influencers, writes Matthew Neale. Is early compassion the way to stop it?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a pile of unrecycled pizza boxes for the past month, you’ll no doubt be wearily familiar with the name Andrew Tate. At the time of writing, the 36-year-old former kickboxer remains in custody in Romania, after being arrested alongside his brother as part of an investigation into human trafficking, rape and organised crime. But despite the horror of his alleged offences, it’s Tate’s public position as an influencer and internet personality that has sparked concern across the UK.

His views are becoming so popular among boys that many schools are now hosting special assemblies to try and tackle them. In some ways this can be viewed as the endgame of the Trump era, where traditional right-wing dog whistles have been replaced with explicit calls to bigotry and violence.

Even weapons-grade shade like Greta Thunberg’s isn’t likely to change the minds of their acolytes, but instead often reinforces the idea that the other side – in this case, essentially, left-wing women – are hostile and threatening. Whether the promise is money, fame or happiness, self-appointed “alpha male” influencers like Tate offer vulnerable young men a hand on the shoulder (“no homo, obviously”) when they perceive the Thunbergs of the world to be offering a barrage of slaps to the face.

Generational divide is a key storytelling facet of almost every corner of the “manosphere”, the loose web of right-wing, acronym-obsessed groups who oppose feminism and claim to advocate for men – these include MRAs (Men’s Rights Activists), MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), PUAs (Pick-Up Artists), and incels (involuntary celibates). As they tell it, men were once “real men”, who stalked the earth in an unspecified halcyon era of masculine dominance, chain-smoking cigars and coming home to subservient, family-oriented wives who also understood their place in the world.

While many men may feel confused about how to express their identity within the complex framework of masculinity today, the conservative fantasy that older generations were happy and secure in their roles remains a potent myth. 

Part of what can make MRA narratives so appealing is that they acknowledge the rates of depression, suicide and incarceration in men – figures which are real and terrifying – but then weave a fictitious global conspiracy around them. Tate occasionally talks, in paranoid terms, of “the matrix” coming to get him, implying an Illuminati-style conspiracy in which the world is neatly divided into heroic truth-tellers (such as the ones who throw money at bored-looking women in bizarrely low-budget rap videos) and the shady liberal elite who want to silence them.

The Andrew Tates of the world proudly display their venom for all to see, but the reality is that the world is full of men looking to make a quick buck on the promise that Instagram-ready success is yours for the taking. The sooner we can start allowing all children to realise that their future happiness doesn’t need to be tied up with ludicrous Victorian-era gender stereotypes, the sooner we’ll stop losing men to hatred, bullshit lifestyle scams, and dressing like Pitbull.

Inside the violent, misogynistic world of TikTok’s new star, Andrew Tate

Tate’s views have been described as extreme misogyny by domestic abuse charities, capable of radicalising men and boys to commit harm offline.

But the 35-year-old is not a fringe personality lurking in an obscure corner of the dark web. Instead, he is one of the most famous figures on TikTok, where videos of him have been watched 11.6 billion times.

Styled as a self-help guru, offering his mostly male fans a recipe for making money, pulling girls and “escaping the matrix”, Tate has gone in a matter of months from near obscurity to one of the most talked about people in the world. In July, there were more Google searches for his name than for Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian.

His rapid surge to fame was not by chance. Evidence obtained by the Observer shows that followers of Tate are being told to flood social media with videos of him, choosing the most controversial clips in order to achieve maximum views and engagement.

Raised on an estate in Luton, the son of a catering assistant and chess master, Tate has long been making headlines for stirring controversy. Through his 20s he worked as a TV producer while training as a kickboxer at the local gym, going on to fight professionally and win world titles.

More controversy followed. Posts containing homophobic and racial slurs were found on his Twitter page. Then in September 2017, he was criticised by mental health charities for saying depression “isn’t real”. The next month he waded in on #MeToo, saying women should “bear some responsibility” for being raped – a view he has since repeated and which, among other incidents, led to him being barred from Twitter.

The backlash won Tate work and boosted his profile. He appeared on InfoWars, the podcast of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones; was pictured with far-right YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson and met Donald Trump Jr at Trump Tower, posting on Facebook afterwards: “The tate family support trump FULLY. MAGA!”

Tate with Nigel Farage, posted on Facebook in March 2019.
Andrew Tate with Nigel Farage, posted on Facebook in March 2019. Photograph: Emory Andrew Tate/Facebook

In the UK, meanwhile, he mingled with arch-Brexiter Nigel Farage, Facebook photos show and spoke of ties with the anti-Islam activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson. Tate describes Yaxley-Lennon in a podcast as a “solid guy” with a “good heart” whom he has “hung out with untold times”. In 2019, police were called after Tate showed up at the house of Mike Stuchbery, a journalist who had been critical about him online, days after Yaxley-Lennon did the same thing.

Long before his rise to TikTok fame, Tate’s views on women were also becoming clear. On Facebook in 2018, he bemoaned the “decline of Western civilisation” after seeing a poster at Heathrow airport “encouraging girls to go on holiday as opposed to encouraging being a loving mother and a loyal wife”.

Amid the drama offline, online Tate’s content took off. Since January, repackaged videos from interviews with Tate over the years have been attracting millions of views on TikTok. But in recent weeks, this growth has accelerated. In August so far alone, clips tagged with his name have been watched more than a billion times.

Many Tate videos appear, at first glance, to be harmless, even funny. In his trademark straight-talking style, he derides men who drink tap water instead of sparkling water and people who own cats. “Real men have dogs,” he says. Other material is presented under a banner of male self-improvement.

But much of it appears to meet the definition of hateful content set out in TikTok’s community guidelines, which state that TikTok is “inclusive and supportive” and bans content that “praises, promotes, glorifies, or supports any hateful ideology”, including misogyny.

TikTok’s terms also explicitly say they ban accounts that “impersonate” someone else, by using their name or picture in a “misleading manner”.

Last week, however, content being promoted to users on the platform appeared to be in flagrant breach of the rules.

We conducted an anonymous experiment with a blank account set up for a teenage boy and were quickly shown content of Tate. After watching two of his videos we were recommended more, including clips of him expressing misogynistic views. The next time the account was opened, the first four posts were of Tate, from four different accounts.

Critics say his rise raises concerns about online misogyny and potential radicalisation, with one woman online labelling him “the scariest man on the internet”. Another, seeking advice in a forum, described how her boyfriend’s “attitude and opinions” had changed “dramatically” after watching videos of Tate.

Andrea Simon, director of the End Violence Against Women coalition, said many of the Tate videos appeared to “clearly violate” TikTok’s terms and said that “by taking no action”, the platform is “facilitating and ultimately profiting from the potential radicalisation of its young male users”.

The NSPCC’s Hannah Ruschen, a policy officer, added: “Viewing such material at a young age can shape a child’s experiences and attitudes, resulting in further harm to women and girls in and out of school and online.”

Tate’s rise also shows how TikTok’s algorithm is open to manipulation by bad actors, says Callum Hood, head of research at the Center for Countering Digital Hate “The dangerous thing is that it is very eye-catching content, and the TikTok algorithm in particular is so aggressive that you only need to pause for a few moments before it will begin to recommend similar content to you again and again.”

He added: “It’s up to TikTok to be on the lookout for harmful content and manipulation of its platform. It begs the question: ‘Why haven’t they noticed this? And why have they failed to act?”

The internet can’t stop talking about Andrew Tate

Videos on TikTok offer a sense of the deep division that Tate has caused online. Many lampoon his messages, while others parrot his talking points.

Once best known as a professional kickboxer and struggling reality TV star, Andrew Tate has become almost impossible to avoid on social media.

He’s a topic of conversation on every major platform. Major creators have either talked about Tate or had him on their livestreams and podcasts, often in an attempt to counter his hyper-misogynistic stances on women and modern masculinity. Teacher-focused online spaces are discussing how to handle students who have been influenced by him.

In a statement to NBC News, Tate described himself as a “success coach” who plays an “online character.” He added that he makes “many videos praising women,” and that his coaching involves teaching men “to avoid toxic people as a whole.” Tate said that he tells his audience to avoid “low value people,” including “toxic men.”

“It has nothing to do for hate for women,” Tate said. “It’s simply about good and bad people. My mother is my hero.”

TikTok videos tagged #AndrewTate have been viewed 12.7 billion times, according to the company’s hashtag page.

It’s one of the more sudden rises to fame seen on the internet, fueled by an active base of fervent supporters who gravitate to Tate’s messaging and a well-intentioned — and some might say opportunistic — movement to counter Tate’s rise while also jumping on one of the most viral topics of the moment.

“Men like that don’t want to learn. They don’t even really want to debate,” creator Drew Afualo said in a video posted to her TikTok account last month. “They just want a platform to spew their venom. … I don’t put them on my podcast. I don’t platform them whatsoever.”

In the video, which was an episode of the “Tate Speech” podcast, Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, responded to accusations of sexism and misogyny.

“I can’t handle it. I can’t possibly fathom a world where there’s some fat loser on the internet who thinks that I’m a misogynist even though he gets no [expletive] and all the women love me and not him,” Andrew Tate said in a sarcastic rant during the episode. “I super care so much. I can’t even put in human words how much I care. I am a master of rhetoric. I have a grasp of the English language which is nearly unparalleled on the internet. I have the ability to make my ideas translate through space-time into the minds of other men but I cannot describe in words how much I don’t like and can’t handle being a misogynist.”

Other fan bases have pushed their creators to follow suit, and some called for an end to podcast hosts lending Tate their platform by bringing him onto their shows. The overwhelming majority of podcasts featuring Tate as a guest are hosted by men.

“these podcasts inviting andrew tate to speak (even if their intent is to embarrass him) are part of the problem btw,” one Twitter user said.

Tate, an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump, gained a following in far-right pockets of social media and met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower in August 2017. Following his ban from Twitter, Tate made several appearances on Infowars shows and began connecting with other prominent far-right figures. “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich describes Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, as his “friends.” Tristan Tate, who co-hosts the podcast “Tate Speech” with Andrew Tate, espouses views similar to those of his brother. On Instagram, the brothers flexed a lavish lifestyle of international travel, luxury cars and a seemingly endless supply of cigars.

It’s not entirely clear when Tate went from a run-of-the-mill “alpha male” influencer to a viral sensation, but Google Trends data indicates that both web and YouTube searches of him began to grow in May before spiking in early July.

Tate’s current notoriety overshadows his actual online footprint. He has 4.6 million Instagram followers and 744,000 YouTube subscribers. On TikTok, where videos of him or about him are ubiquitous, videos posted from Tate’s actual account rarely go viral. The videos that garner millions of views, often featuring snippets of his incendiary comments about women or masculinity, are typically posted by fan accounts dedicated to him.

For creators like Afualo, though, even memes give incendiaries like Tate what they need most to maintain their influence: attention.

“If you let them shout into the void, then they’ll have no choice but to go back down in that sewer where they came from,” Afualo said in her TikTok video. “There’s no point in me talking about it, because I got bigger fish to fry.”


Andrew Tate’s been banned from social media. But his harmful content still reaches young men

Experts say social media bans aren’t always effective in removing problematic content

Last month, controversial influencer Andrew Tate was banned on several social media platforms for violating their policies.

But nearly two weeks into these bans, platforms are still inundated with clips of Tate making derogatory comments about women — highlighting what some media experts suggest is part of a dangerous system whose algorithm can be manipulated to radicalize young men to adopt harmful views against women and the LGBTQ community.

And as Tate’s case shows, banning controversial figures can actually make the problem worse.

Recently, he went viral for soundbites shared on platforms like TikTok. These clips feature Tate, often clad in sunglasses sans shirt, making offensive comments about women. In a video posted to Vimeo on Aug. 23, Tate responded to the bans saying he’s been “unfairly vilified” and his comments were taken out of context.

From harmless memes to full-blown misogyny

Content like Tate’s often starts in a way that seems relatively harmless, but then it slowly becomes more nefarious, says Joanna Schroeder, a writer whose work focuses on gender and media representation.

For example, she says, young boys often visit sites like YouTube to search for videos related to Minecraft, a wildly popular video game. But the YouTube algorithm will often guess their age and gender — and Schroeder says it might then push harmful content at them.


Joanna Schroeder, a writer who focuses on gender and media, explains why social media algorithms target young men, and how this can impact what they’re looking at online.

“There are people who want to target this demographic who start showing them content that becomes more and more racy.”

Schroeder says Tate’s appeal is, in part, because of how his views are framed. The idea that what he’s saying is an “unpopular opinion that nobody else will say out loud” might suggest to a young person that it has value, she says.

And since “edgy” content often presents itself as something a younger demographic should consider normal — or even find funny — it slowly becomes problematic.

An example of that is the Pepe the Frog meme, something that started as a harmless cartoon frog and devolved into a symbol of hate.

Pepe the Frog started out as an apolitical meme but was then adopted by the alt-right movement. (Wikipedia)

It began as an apolitical meme popular on sites like Myspace and 4chan in the 2000s. But as its popularity grew, it was appropriated by the alt-right movement.

Schroeder says Pepe began to represent “anti-gay” and “anti-women” sentiments. And she says teens might initially perceive the memes as jokes, but over time it can influence how and what young people think.

And clips like Tate’s are a common way people are radicalized, says Ellen Chloë Bateman, a documentary and podcast producer who’s researched online radicalization among young men and incel subculture.

Violence against women gets normalized, she says, embedding itself into the psyches of young men through images and memes, in what she calls a “culture of intense competition and one-upmanship.”

Schroeder says this can often be seen on TikTok. Videos featuring clips of creators like Tate will often also share a screen showing video from games like Minecraft or Call of Duty to try to keep teens engaged.

This screengrab features a TikTok video of controversial creator Sneako, coupled with Minecraft gameplay. Creators try to get capture the attention of young men and teen boys by combining their clips with video games. (@sneako.talks/TikTok)

At this point, she says, some social media algorithms notice the user’s high levels of engagement — and then begin to serve them more “overtly racist” content.

“Algorithms push content that is often extreme. Extreme views, hate-filled views get a lot of traction on places like YouTube … and TikTok,” Schroeder says.

Enter the ‘manosphere’

The parts of the internet where these memes, and oftentimes more outright racist or misogynistic content, circulate is a place Bateman calls the “manosphere.”

She describes it as a space where “men’s rights activists, male separatists, nihilists, sexual predators and trolls — who often share membership with neo-Nazi and alt-right groups — congregate.”

The ‘manosphere’: Where incels, trolls and Neo-Nazis meet: 

What is the ‘manosphere’?

Ellen Chloë Bateman, a documentary and podcast producer, breaks down what is known as the ‘manosphere,’ an area of the internet where extremist groups often congregate and target young men.

“What unites them all is an extreme anti-feminist world view,” Bateman says.

And alt-right groups often use this space to target young and impressionable men, she says.

Where do social media bans come in? 

Social media companies say they’re actively working to remove this kind of content — as studies have found that hate speech online has correlated with an increase in physical violence and hate crimes.

In Tate’s case, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram removed his content.

TikTok is looking at ways to “strengthen enforcement” against this type of harmful content.

That includes a partnership with UN Women and other non-governmental organization seeking to stop Violence Against Women and Girls to launch a new in-app hub to educate users about gender-based violence.

Bateman says partnerships like these are essential in order for social media spaces to become safer and more educational, especially for young people.

Twitter has also taken action against controversial creators. The platform has issued temporary bans to creators like Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh and Steven Crowder. (Each creator was later allowed back on the app.)

But Schroeder says bans can sometimes be counterintuitive. In Tate’s case, it may have, in some ways, actually helped him.

“The bans are just drawing more attention to him,” she said. “It’s given him a very big microphone.”

Turning to other platforms

Bateman agrees, pointing out that these creators often find new apps, like Reddit, Gab, Telegram and Discord, to post their content.

She says some of these platforms are actually harder to monitor because of their closed-group structures or registration requirements, making it more difficult to study and track the content. A site for incel subculture, which promotes misogyny and violence, has upwards of 17,000 users, she found.

“It’s such a complicated online world. It’s fluid … it’s moving. It’s spreading around and these groups are interconnecting basically into one big cesspool of hate.”

TikTok, YouTube and Facebook have taken down accounts belonging to Mr. Tate, a 35-year-old British American.

Andrew Tate, a former professional kickboxer who frequently made misogynistic comments about women online, has been barred in the last week from Facebook, YouTube and TikTok after concerns about his influence on his millions of followers escalated.

Mr. Tate, 35, first gained mainstream media attention after appearing on the reality television show “Big Brother” in 2016. He has since carved out a space online where he claims to know the secrets to wealth and makes hateful comments.

Mr. Tate, who is British and American, has competed internationally as a professional kickboxer. But it was his appearance on the British version of “Big Brother” six years ago that gave him a platform — and provided fodder for the British media.

Last week, Hope not Hate, an antiracism advocacy group in Britain, called on social media companies to bar Mr. Tate. “It is not an exaggeration to say that many young students returning to school at the end of the summer holidays will have seen something produced by Andrew Tate,” the group said.

Author's note at the end of each post: -"Your biggest problem is so small for such a big God"-Ella Cruz" The Bible serves as the blueprint of faith, and the New Testament provides us with God's faith and the power to perform miracles through faith and the name of Jesus. Regardless of the severity of cancer, healing can be achieved through faith in God's word. When Jesus raised the dead, he did not discriminate based on the level of death. He simply called forth life. Let's explore how he did it. The first time Jesus brought someone back from the dead was the daughter of Jairus, an official in Jerusalem. Although she had passed away, she was only recently deceased. The second time was the son of a widow in Nain who had been dead for just one day. Lastly, Jesus raised Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha in Bethany, who had been dead for three days. He raised them all. No matter how insurmountable your problem may seem, Jesus is the resurrection and the light. Ella Cruz World's events are happening so fast. Global Governance 2015, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Antarctica, Mars, CERN, G5, The United Nations, The European Union, the Club of Rome, and the false prophets of the Vatican all together, we see that the satanic global government is imminent, and it shall come to pass. The mark of the beast will be obligatory. You are either a Christian or not. If you are, you believe this because it is predicted 2000 years ago in the Bible. But if you are not a Christian, you read the news and notice that the satanic world government is their agenda. Their Global Governance 2025 is terribly close. Their Green New Deal 12-year timeline matches the agenda 2030. We have a short time to prepare ourselves. Born-again Christians are happy and calm. Why? Why do we joyfully dedicate ourselves to the nation, knowing that we will be chased and prosecuted? Because we are dedicated to the Kingdom. "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done." 1. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. 2. We hold the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God. 3. We believe that God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. Through His precious blood, all our sins are washed away and forgiven. 4. We believe that the price for our salvation, health, prosperity, happiness, and eternal life has been paid by the blood of Jesus. These gifts are freely available to us through the grace of God. By His stripes, we were healed 2000 years ago. 5. We acknowledge that by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. We are baptized by the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us and communicates with us through dreams, visions, speeches, videos, books, and other means. This communication begins immediately after our salvation. 6. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. As born-again believers, we receive the same DNA as Jesus Christ, with the same miraculous abilities through faith. Just as the apostles performed signs and wonders like Jesus, we too can accomplish these miracles through faith, and the Lord will work through us. 7. We condemn the Vatican's religion and many false prophets who have deceived Christians for centuries, hiding the true message of the Bible and the Good News from people to maintain their power. We welcome all denominations and strive for unity in the body of Christ. 8. We believe that a born-again Christian never truly dies. When a believer's life on earth ends, they are promoted to heaven, and death holds no power over them. In heaven, we experience immense joy, love, peace, and the glory of God. Those who have had near-death experiences or have seen Jesus in a vision or dream know the indescribable relief and joy of being in His presence. To answer the question of why we are happy, we say that we could happily die at any moment. In fact, we long to go home and be with our Lord. However, we know that each one of us has a mission and purpose revealed to us by the Holy Spirit after our born-again experience. For the sake of fulfilling that mission, we remain joyful and relaxed in the spirit, knowing that we are called to save people by preaching the Gospel and bringing them to Jesus. To be born again, you just need to say: Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal savior, Come to my heart, Forgive my sins, Wash me away, Make me a new person, And live inside of me. In the Name of Jesus from Nazareth, Amen. And that's it. You are saved! Jesus will reveal Himself to you, and your life will undergo a significant transformation. Your marriage, health (especially addiction), finances, and all areas of your life will experience an extraordinary change. And never look back. In Jesus Almighty name. Amen.