Please Sign This Petition Against Nancy Pelosi’s un-American $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package (Which All Goes To Illegals & Dangerous Inmates) For Senate To VETO

Please sign this petition against Nancy Pelosi’s crazy $3 trillion Coronavirus relief package which all goes to illegals and dangerous inmates. It is a Soros dictated bill, and we can’t be over-optimistic and wait to see whether the Senate will veto it or not. We must demand. It takes less than one minute and asks only an email. Any email.

We DEMAND The Senate Take An Urgent Action Against The Un-American $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package & VETO It

Congress passed a $3 trillion Coronavirus relief package on Friday, May 15, 2020, via a 208-199 vote, with only one Republican — moderate Rep. Peter King of New York — backing the legislation. The un-American legislation is all about race politics and social justice, distributing the wealth to illegal immigrants, their shelter, healthcare, business relief, and welfare. This 1800 page- the biggest piece of legislation ever made in history with a $3trillion price tag obscurity to imagine who will bail us out?

To serve the cause of “disparity” the solution of this bill is to supply illegal Americans equal rights to receive their $1200 checks as an amnesty provision for the duration of Coronavirus which probably means several months during summer and fall and ALL illegal immigrants employed and so-called “essential” services would be shielded from deportation. So not the pandemic but the deportation of illegal immigrants is the focus of the bill but it goes further and shields their employers too, basically promoting the employers to hire illegal aliens. An illegal alien who has already occupied ONE American job while the Americans are unemployed will receive a blanked amnesty as a reward. Therefore, illegal immigration will not even be an issue anymore.


Then the bill continues to drill America’s resources and just strip off the American people in favor of other nations as it orders the DHS to grant Guest Visas for people who intend to come to America and work in the healthcare industry. As American health providers are either fired or jobless since the Coronavirus pandemic, what is the necessity for importing healthcare personnel to work in the system? Are American healthcare providers incompetent? Or is there an urge to fill the American health and later other systematic departments with non-Americans and leave our people intentionally unemployed?

It doesn’t end here. The bill promotes cannabis repeating the term for 68 times as to extending access to financial services related to “immigrants” owned minority and women-owned businesses related to cannabis?

The so-called “relief” bill mentions diversity 20 times and orders all federal agencies to DEPOSIT money in all minority-owned bank accounts.

The bill also contains a “prison break” provision by strictly ordering prisons to release every inmate who has asthma, diabetics, or is over 50 years of age that practically means most of the inmates. The bill says the release of the inmates can be rejected if the prison or anyone PROVES that the specific inmate will commit violence against a specific person!

Then the bill directs a million dollars to the National Science Foundation not to assist the science but to study the Coronavirus “misinformation”. The Gestapo censorship of what people think about the pandemic.

Not yet enough, the bill will repeal the CAP on state and local tax deductions which will primarily benefit high-income neighborhoods in overtaxed blue states. That means Democratic donators. The source of their funds.

The un-American bill also makes lobbying shops in Washington DC eligible for small business loans from the federal government. The bill seems to jump out off directly from George Soros’s playbook.

We the people cannot wait to see if lawmakers in Senate kill the bill upon arrival. We can not sit there and be optimistic. We need this bill to go away immediately therefore, we DEMAND the Senate take urgent action against this un-American bill and VETO it immediately.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.

Author's note at the end of each post: -"Your biggest problem is so small for such a big God"-Ella Cruz" The Bible serves as the blueprint of faith, and the New Testament provides us with God's faith and the power to perform miracles through faith and the name of Jesus. Regardless of the severity of cancer, healing can be achieved through faith in God's word. When Jesus raised the dead, he did not discriminate based on the level of death. He simply called forth life. Let's explore how he did it. The first time Jesus brought someone back from the dead was the daughter of Jairus, an official in Jerusalem. Although she had passed away, she was only recently deceased. The second time was the son of a widow in Nain who had been dead for just one day. Lastly, Jesus raised Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha in Bethany, who had been dead for three days. He raised them all. No matter how insurmountable your problem may seem, Jesus is the resurrection and the light. Ella Cruz World's events are happening so fast. Global Governance 2015, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Antarctica, Mars, CERN, G5, The United Nations, The European Union, the Club of Rome, and the false prophets of the Vatican all together, we see that the satanic global government is imminent, and it shall come to pass. The mark of the beast will be obligatory. You are either a Christian or not. If you are, you believe this because it is predicted 2000 years ago in the Bible. But if you are not a Christian, you read the news and notice that the satanic world government is their agenda. Their Global Governance 2025 is terribly close. Their Green New Deal 12-year timeline matches the agenda 2030. We have a short time to prepare ourselves. Born-again Christians are happy and calm. Why? Why do we joyfully dedicate ourselves to the nation, knowing that we will be chased and prosecuted? Because we are dedicated to the Kingdom. "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done." 1. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. 2. We hold the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God. 3. We believe that God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. Through His precious blood, all our sins are washed away and forgiven. 4. We believe that the price for our salvation, health, prosperity, happiness, and eternal life has been paid by the blood of Jesus. These gifts are freely available to us through the grace of God. By His stripes, we were healed 2000 years ago. 5. We acknowledge that by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. We are baptized by the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us and communicates with us through dreams, visions, speeches, videos, books, and other means. This communication begins immediately after our salvation. 6. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. As born-again believers, we receive the same DNA as Jesus Christ, with the same miraculous abilities through faith. Just as the apostles performed signs and wonders like Jesus, we too can accomplish these miracles through faith, and the Lord will work through us. 7. We condemn the Vatican's religion and many false prophets who have deceived Christians for centuries, hiding the true message of the Bible and the Good News from people to maintain their power. We welcome all denominations and strive for unity in the body of Christ. 8. We believe that a born-again Christian never truly dies. When a believer's life on earth ends, they are promoted to heaven, and death holds no power over them. In heaven, we experience immense joy, love, peace, and the glory of God. Those who have had near-death experiences or have seen Jesus in a vision or dream know the indescribable relief and joy of being in His presence. To answer the question of why we are happy, we say that we could happily die at any moment. In fact, we long to go home and be with our Lord. However, we know that each one of us has a mission and purpose revealed to us by the Holy Spirit after our born-again experience. For the sake of fulfilling that mission, we remain joyful and relaxed in the spirit, knowing that we are called to save people by preaching the Gospel and bringing them to Jesus. To be born again, you just need to say: Lord Jesus, I accept you as my personal savior, Come to my heart, Forgive my sins, Wash me away, Make me a new person, And live inside of me. In the Name of Jesus from Nazareth, Amen. And that's it. You are saved! Jesus will reveal Himself to you, and your life will undergo a significant transformation. Your marriage, health (especially addiction), finances, and all areas of your life will experience an extraordinary change. And never look back. In Jesus Almighty name. Amen.